Terms and conditions include:
- About Happy Feet Happy Mind Ltd and contact details
- How we may get in touch with you
- Provision of services
- Covid 19 safety measures
- Fees/Bookings/Payments
- Cancellation policy
- Attending appointments
- Complaint procedure
1. Information about Happy Feet Happy Mind Ltd and contact details
1a Happy Feet Happy Mind Limited is a company registered in England. Company’s Registration number is: 11358267. Company registered address: Basement Clinic, 20 Chesterton Road, CB4 3AX, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
1b Contact details.
- Telephone: 01223 358 431 or 07562748352
- Email: support@h-fhm.com
- writing a letter to the address provided above (point 2b)
2. How we may get in touch with you?
- Telephone
- In writing including: letters, emails, text messages, WhatsApp and other means used to write
3. Provision of services
- Any skincare related corrections such as ingrown toenails, corns, hard skin etc. can be corrected within first 14 days from the date of the appointment (free of charge).
3a When will the services be provided?
Services will be provided to you (if appropriate) during “Initial consultation” and during further follow-up appointments or over a set number or series of treatment session/s commencing with the “Initial Consultation”, until we have completed the services. All treatments including prices are reflected on our website.
3b Importance of providing required information to us.
We aim to provide high quality services to all patients and in order to do so we require you to provide us with all relevant health related information about you before conducting any treatment.
Unfortunately providing incorrect or incomplete information to us may lead to us withdrawing the provision of services. Additionally, we will not be responsible for provision of the services with delay or not providing any part of them if this is caused by you not providing at all or providing incorrect or incomplete information. In cases where services are withdrawn due lack of or incorrect information provided by you refunds are not available.
3c In cases where:
* you are medically unfit to undergo the treatment requested and/or
* you are not suitable for your chosen treatment; and/or
* your chosen treatment is unlikely to be successful,
we will inform you of the facts and rationale as to why we have reached this conclusion. If these findings are discovered during your Initial Consultation, you will only be responsible for the cost of that Initial Consultation.
3d No Guarantee. All services are provided with care and skill by qualified podiatrist that is registered with The Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), however all clinical procedures may involve some form of risk and the outcomes of particular treatment cannot be guaranteed. We reserve the right to refuse or discontinue services if we feel that patient expectations are unreasonable.
3e We maintain the authority to reject or cease service where we believe that the connection among the patient and clinician is in dishonesty or poor faith.
4. Covid-19. In response to COVID -19 we have put safety protocols with accordance to national guidance:
- All visitors will be asked to consent to having their temperature checked upon arrival. Visitors with temperature above 38C with be sent home and advised to seek medical advice.
- All visitors are asked to wear a mask unless they are able to proof they are an exempt.
- All visitors will be asked to complete the COVID-19 declaration form prior to each appointment.
- Visitors who refuse their temperature to be measured and who refuse to complete COVID 19 declaration will be asked to leave the premises and NO refund will be issued for advance bookings.
- Visitors presenting with flu-like symptoms will be sent home and advised to reschedule their appointment after 14 days. Clinician’s decision will be final. Some of the symptoms include, but are not limited to: cough, fever, chills, shortness of breath, runny nose, headaches, body aches, loss of smell or taste, nausea or vomiting, sore throat. No refund will be offered for advance bookings.
- Visitors that have been issued an at-risk patient letter from the NHS, or by someone who has been recognized by the NHS as a person in danger of extreme illness if they get Coronavirus, are instructed to look for clearance prior to attending the appointment. If you visit our clinic while classified as at-risk, it will be solely at your own risk and the clinic will not be liable for your actions.
5. Fees/Bookings/Payments
5a Fees. All our fees are present at the clinic and on our website in Prices section. The fees for services will apply at the date Initial Consultation is booked unless a different fee has been agreed between you and us either verbally or in writing. Additional charges will apply for any services that are not included in the Initial consultation or routine follow-up, which may include specific treatment (e.g Low level laser, lacuna) or further follow up sessions, but you will be consulted of any extra charges before them being incurred. Costs for our services and treatments are discussed with you in detail at the time of booking or prior conducting any specific treatment. We reserve the right to amend the fees at any time.
5b Bookings. Bookings can be made:
- Over the phone by calling 01223 358 43/ 07562748352/ 07984596436
- Online
- Booking Initial Consultation is compulsory for all First time patients
- Specific treatments and appointments types will be available to book only after Initial Consultation.
- Your booking of your Initial Consultation designates your understanding and acceptance of the fees and your commitment to pay.
5c Payments.
We accept the following payments methods
- all major credit and debit cards except American Express
- cash
- Online payment processor: Stripe (when booking online)
- bank transfer when paying in advance prior appointments
- We DO NOT accept cheques
- no discounts are available for professional services
5d When and how to Pay.
- Initial Consultation. A deposit of £40 is required in advance at the time of booking the initial consultation. Payment can be made over in person at the clinic, over the phone, online or via bank transfer. Bank transfers must be made at least 48 hours prior appointment to secure your booking. If payment is not received 48 hours prior appointment the booking will be cancelled. Bank details for bank transfer will be provided at the time of booking in writing via email. Payments are non-refundable unless the correct Cancellation protocol is followed (refer to point 5e). The remaining amount must be settled on arrival of the clinic and just before the initial consultation commences. In the event of non-attendance or not following Cancellation protocol (point: 5e) another consultation appointment may be requested by you, however it will be totally at our discretion weather or not another appointment is issued and if it is a further, a £40 deposit towards the Initial consultation is required at the time of booking.
- Routine Follow-up appointments. Payments for routine follow-up appointments must be made in full at the end of each appointment using one of the accepted payment methods. Any additional charges (for example for services not included in Routine Follow-up appointments) must be settled at the end of the appointment. Non-attendance or cancellations with notice less than 24 hours are subject to £40 cancellation fee before further appointment is booked.
- Deposit Payment. In case where specific treatment is booked (for example: nail surgery, MSK assessment) a compulsory, non-refundable deposit will be required at the time of booking. Payment can be made: a. in person at the clinic b. over the phone or c. online on our website by going to Book Online section. Information about deposit requirement and deposit amount required are provided in individual treatment/service description in Prices section. The outstanding amount for the treatment/service must be settled at the end of the appointment. Non-attendance or cancellations with notice less than 24 hours will result the loss of the deposit and if appointment is rescheduled further deposit is required.
50% Deposit is also required at the time of ordering prefabricated orthotics. Payment can be made over the phone or in person at the clinic.
- Failure or delay in payment. In the event where payment is made with delay interest of 7% may be added on top of the outstanding overdue amount. This interest (of 7%) will accrue daily from the date the payment should have been made until the date of actual payment of the overdue amount. In case of failure to make payment Happy Feet Happy Mind Limited reserves the right to take legal action against you and/or refer non-payments to a debt collection agency. Failure to pay for services will also result in suspension of services being provided to you.
6. Cancellations terms and conditions
- Follow-up appointments. Unfortunately non-attendance to scheduled appointments and cancellations within less than 24 hours notice are subject to £4o.
- In case where deposit was taken for a specific treatment or appointment non-attendance to scheduled appointments or cancellations within less than 24 hours notice will result the loss of the deposit and if appointment is rescheduled further deposit is required.
- If you have an appointment on a Monday, you must cancel on Friday by 17:00 (5:00 PM) for your cancellation to be valid with no cancellation fee.
- Initial Consultations – A deposit of £40 is required in advance at the time of booking Initial Consultation. In case of non-attendance to initial consultation and/or cancellations within less than 24 hours notice the clinic will take a £40.00 deposit as a fee and if Initial consultation will be rescheduled another £40.00 deposit is required at the time of booking.
- Cancellations and rescheduling of appointments and any changes to type of appointments must be done only through communication methods provided on our website
- Non-attendance and cancellations due to special circumstances will still be subject to appropriate cancellation fee before rescheduling another appointment. Happy feet Happy Mind Ltd will assess and decide on individual basis whether to issue refund or charge.
- Not receiving an appointment reminder via text/email is not considered a valid reason for not attending an appointment.
- If you arrive late but will be accommodated for full time appointment (maximum up to 45 minutes) the amount of time that you late will be added as an extra to your appointment time.
- If non-attendance and/or delayed cancellations are habitual we reserve the authority to request full payment before booking an appointment.
7. Attending appointments terms and conditions
- If you are a FIRST TIME PATIENT you are expected to arrive approximately 10 minutes earlier than your scheduled appointment time to complete Initial Consultation Form if you have not filled one in online. If you completed the Initial Consultation Form online please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment time. Late attendance can reduce your treatment time. In event of running late, please contact the clinic and we will try to accommodate you however we cannot guarantee it.
- All returning patients are required to arrive 5 minutes before scheduled appointment time. Late attendance can reduce your treatment time. In event of running late, please contact the clinic and we will try to accommodate you however we cannot guarantee it.
- Any instructions about preparations you are required carry out before your appointment and/or treatment will be provided to you by us before your appointment.
- Patients who have not attended the clinic for more than 12 months will be discharged from the service and charged First Time Appointment Fee should they wish to book again.
8. Complaint procedure
We aim to provide high quality person-centred and holistic care to our patients. However, if you have any queries or would like to lodge a formal complaint regarding the services provided please contact us using one of the following methods :
* by sending an email to ellie.lou@h-fhm.com
send a signed by complainant letter to: Happy Feet Happy Mind Limited, Basement Clinic, 20 Chesterton Road, CB4 3AX, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
The complaint will be recorded and response will be provided within 30 working days from the date the complaint was received. If necessary we may invite you to the clinic to discuss your matter in detail to allow us to deal with your complaint in a recorded and structured manner.
If complaint is made at the clinic in person a private conversation with podiatrist will be offered either at the time you at the clinic or if not possible a date and time will be scheduled for you to meet and discuss your complaint in private with the podiatrist.
If the complaint is made on behalf of the patient, written consent must be provided by the patient where they state the details of the person who will be acting on that patient’s behalf.
A refund will be issued if after reviewing the matter the assessing podiatrist and owner of Happy Feet Happy Mind Ltd. conclude that the treatment was deemed unsatisfactory.
If you feel your matter has not been resolved internally with us, you can address your complaint to:
The Patients Association, PO Box 935, Harrow, Middlesex, HA1 3YJ.
Health & Care Professions Council. Park House,184–186 Kennington Park Road, London, SE11 4BU
Terms and Conditions apply to both Ely and Cambridge clinics.